Brush Collection

Curbside brush collection occurs March through December during select weeks. See sidebar for collection week dates. Please note that if Public Works needs to conduct snow removal, that will take priority over the brush collection.  


  1. Brush may be placed curbside no earlier than one week before the first day of collection.
  2. Brush may only be placed on the property from which is it being removed; in back of the curb; if applicable. 
  3. Brush should not be piled in a manner that affects motorist visibility and should also be kept away from trees, signs, parked cars, mailboxes, fire hydrants, utility poles and any other obstructions.
  4. Brush must be curbside before 7:00 a.m. on the first day of the collection week. No exceptions. 
  5. The following materials will be accepted for collection:
    • Clean brush stacked in an orderly fashion placed parallel with the road/curb
    • Tree limbs up to eight inches in diameter and ten feet in length;
    • Brush piles up to ten feet long, ten feet in width and four feet high (10' x 10' x 4'); limit one pile per household.
  6. The following materials will not be accepted for collection:
    • Root balls and brush mixed with soil;
    • Vines or leaf piles;
    • Shrubs or rocks;
    • Brush originating from any property other than the household in question;
    • Brush that has been cut or trimmed by contracts. Contractors hired by property owners are responsible for removing the material;
    • Brush in bags, boxes or trash containers;
    • Yard waste;  
    • Anything not listed in section 5 above.