Community Development Authority

The Community Development Authority of the Village of Windsor (CDA) is a separate body of politic for the purpose of carrying out blight elimination, slum clearance, urban renewal programs and projects, and housing projects. The powers and duties of the CDA area as detailed in Wis. Stats. §66.1335(4).

The CDA consists of seven residents (including two Village Trustees) who have sufficient ability and experience in fields of urban renewal, community development and housing.


CDA Mission Statement:

The Community Development Agency (CDA) of the Village of Windsor facilitates retention, expansion, and attraction of desirable business and industry to Village of Windsor. The CDA will work with the Village Board and other Village Committees to develop, redevelop or preserve the economic and social assets of Windsor:

  • Create new and retain employment opportunities
  • Sustain and increase Village’s tax base
  • Diversify the Village’s economic base
  • Increase economic development resources available to businesses, and
  • Facilitate new business development in the Village of Windsor
  • Assist property owners with enhancing the value of their property