Private Septic Maintenance

For property owners that use a private septic system, there is an $12 fee per septic system applied to your Real Estate Property Tax bill. In 2010, Public Health of Madison and Dane County initiated a new septic maintenance fee that is collected as a special on the property tax bill. In years past, when your septic was inspected, you had to submit a fee with the inspection report. Now, you are billed the fee over a three year period of time (on the tax bill). When it comes time for your inspection your inspector will submit his report without having to submit the fee. 
The private septic permitting and maintenance process is managed by Public Health of Madison and Dane County. You can visit the Public Health of Madison and Dane County website for more information regarding your private septic system. 
If you have any questions pertaining to the private septic fee, please contact Public Health of Madison and Dane County at 608-242-6515 or